Strategy. Efficiency. Results.

Top-Rated Litigation Solutions in Business and Real Estate


Fighting For What's Right.

At Lurie & Associates, we have one goal: deliver results. Whether it’s prevailing at trial, negotiating a favorable settlement or carefully structuring deals, we constantly strive to put our clients in the best possible position for success.

Every law firm promises results, but our record speaks for itself. If you are looking for the personalized service of a small firm along with the expertise of attorneys with large firm experience, call us at (706) 521-0050 or e-mail us at, and let’s talk about how we can help you.

Practice Areas

Get a consultation now.

Lurie & Associates cares about your personal situation. Let our lawyers help you achieve peace of mind. You are always welcome at our offices, conveniently located in Los Angeles.


Recent Successes

$2.5 Million

$2.5 million court decision in favor of a commercial landlord whose tenant failed to honor the conditions of the lease and ultimately defaulted on the lease.

$1.65 Million

$1.65 million judgment in favor of a homeowner scammed by a contractor who took cash up front but did not complete the work.


$400,000 court decision for breach of contract and fraud in the sale of a business.


$300,000 settlement in mediation for a business that purchased a defective piece of machinery.


$300,000 court decision for an investor who was defrauded.


$200,000+ decision in arbitration for a client defrauded on a precious metals investment deal.

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We often here the refrain “No Justice/No Peace” in chants from young protesters, while they set buildings aflame and otherwise assault innocent standbys.
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When you start a business, you must decide what type of entity you wish to establish. Often, entrepreneurs choose to start a corporation as a way to separate their business assets from their personal assets. There are both advantages and disadvantages to running a corporation.
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